Infinite reveries

By Paweł Markiewicz

The loveliest dawn dwelleths in the bosom.

A mild magic word rests far below.

A balmy spark flying in the soul.

Homeland would be charmed!

I love the slight journey towards stars.

I will wing conjuringly moonwards,

where the most reflective poem is made.

I long for dreaming angel,

who donates oneself – for your wings.

Most fervent fancy be unfolded!

Attractive muse, that attends me. 

dwelleth – archaic – dwell

bosom – archaic – heart 

to wing – to fly 

fancy – fantasy 


Paweł Markiewicz was born 1983 in Siemiatycze in Poland. He is a poet who lives in Bielsk Podlaski and writes tender poems, haikus as well as long poems. Paweł has published his poetry in many magazines. He writes in English and German.
